Suika Game
Suika Game, also known as the "Watermelon Game," has taken the gaming world by storm, gaining immense popularity among streamers and VTubers. Originally released as a Japanese Switch eShop exclusive in December 2021, this puzzle game has recently gone viral, captivating audiences not only in Japan but also in the West.
A Challenging Puzzle Experience
Suika Game is a puzzle game that draws comparisons to titles like "2048" and "Threes." Its premise is deceptively simple yet endlessly engaging: players must strategically place various fruits into a container without overfilling it. The game introduces a unique mechanic where similar types of fruits can transform into larger fruits. Notably, watermelons are the largest fruits in the game. Players must utilize this mechanic to maximize their score in each session.
The Quest for High Scores
The primary objective in Suika Game is to achieve the highest score possible. Gamers can test their puzzle-solving skills and strategy to see how far they can push their scores in each session.
Online Accessibility
For those interested, there's a free online version of Suika Game available to play in web browsers. However, it's worth noting that the physics and scoring system in the web version may differ from the official Switch release.
Suika Game has not only taken off in terms of gameplay but has also dominated various charts:
Switch eShop Charts: In Japan, Suika Game is performing exceptionally well and is at the top of the Switch eShop charts.
Streaming Platforms: The game has also made its mark on streaming platforms like Twitch, where it's garnered significant attention and engagement from viewers.
How to play Suika Game
Using mouse.