Avoidle is a word-based game that challenges players to create words while adhering to certain rules and restrictions. The game's mechanics involve avoiding a specific Avoid word, and players are rewarded based on the rarity of letters used and their strategic decisions.
Gameplay Overview:
In Avoidle, players are given a target word called the "Avoid" word.
The objective is to create as many words as possible before the Avoid word becomes the last available word.
Scoring System:
Each letter used in a word is assigned a certain number of points, and the points are determined by the rarity of the letter on the keyboard.
Rarer letters are worth more points, incentivizing players to use less common letters in their words.
Letter Usage: Players can use letters that are not present in the Avoid word up to three times.
Avoid Word Letters: If a player uses a letter from the Avoid word, they can use it as many times as they want in subsequent words. This rule encourages players to incorporate Avoid word letters for higher-scoring words.
Positional Usage: If a letter from the Avoid word is used in the same position as it appears in the Avoid word, players must continue using that letter in the same position in their subsequent words.
Hints and Strategy:
Hints are provided to players after every three words they create.
Accumulating hints helps players gain assistance as they progress through the game, aiding in making more strategic word choices.
Players need to balance using Avoid word letters to maximize points while adhering to the positional usage rule.
How to play Avoidle
Using mouse.