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Word Hunter

Word Hunter: participate in the word guessing challenge. Find the letter that makes sense in this mess to show off your skills against vocabulary challenges. Puzzle games are a great way to test your vocabulary, exercise your brain, and make some friends.

Can you find all the hidden words in this word puzzle? In each level of the Word Hunter game, you have to find the hidden words. Looking at the hint box on the left-hand side, you have to memorize the spellings of these words. then search for these words in the right-hand crossword. it can appear in any orientation such as vertical, horizontal, or diagonal.

The trick for players is to look for the first words of that vocabulary and look around to find the next related letters.

The game has no time limit, so you can freely search.

There are many levels from easy, medium, to difficult. Please choose the easy level if you are a beginner.

How to play Word Hunter

Use a mouse or touchpad to play this game.

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