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Word Search Countries

Use your smart brain and observation and judgment to win this Word Search Countries game. How many hidden words can you find? In this game, the player must make good use of your knowledge of countries and capitals as you find the right words in this country-themed word search.

If you've played word search before, it's probably fair to say that you've probably played one of these games. Do you need to test your word skills? Well, fear not! There are many word search games that you can play to hone your word search knowledge.

In this game, the names of the countries in the lexicon were hidden in a chaotic alphabet. It doesn't have any rules and this appellation can be in any position like Horizontal, vertical or diagonal with any direction. You have to find the names of these countries based on the suggestions given in the right row.

Note: you only have 10 minutes for each competition. Find the fastest letter in this time and unlock different challenging levels.

How to play Word Search Countries

Use your mouse on your computer or scroll on your phone screen to select meaningful phrases.

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