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Who is This

Have you ever felt like a stranger in your own home? Well, that’s exactly what happens to the protagonists of our new game! This Is Home — Strangers. You see, all their life these two sisters have lived in a spacious mansion with their parents and a sweet cat. However, one day, things When they came back from school and entered the house, it seemed like someone had ransacked it. Then, to make things even more complicated, both their parents disappear without leaving any clues about where they could be. But wait… What if this wasn’t the first time something like this happened? Let’s discover together who is this stranger and why they feel like that!

Who Is This is a cute and challenging game about recognizing different characters. Their appearance, mannerism and speech may change but every character has their own unique personality. In this game, you will meet local residents of Hawkins as well as some new faces. Try to remember their names and look for clues that reveal something about them. If you finish the game, there will be a bonus level with exclusive characters from another game: Hidden Agenda! Let’s start playing – it’s time to get Who Is This.

Who Is This is a free online game from the new hit Netflix series Stranger Things. This free, interactive game will test your knowledge of the show and its characters. The more you know about Stranger Things, the better you’ll do in this quiz. Let’s see how well you know this creepy new series! That’s right, we’re talking about that other-worldly ghost-hunting show with all those sexy ‘80s kids who are always getting lost in the woods or finding weird pods in their basements and stuff.

You’ve just moved to Hawkins, Indiana and are spending your first few weeks getting to know your new home. You and your friends are at the local mall one Saturday when you bump into this cool stranger girl. The two of you hit it off right away and exchange numbers so you can stay in touch. The next day, she sends you an invite to join her in an online game - a virtual reality world where we can be whoever we want to be, together! You accept and get ready for the adventure of a

She’s cute, mysterious and most importantly, single. It is high time you get your game on and go after her. But how? Well, there are a million ways, but why not try the old-school way of getting to know her by playing this Stranger Things game? The objective of this game is simple: find out as much about her as possible without giving yourself away. Do it fast and do it well in order to impress her and maybe even get a date. 

How to play Who is This

Using Mouse

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