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Sedecordle: What is it? The player must discover the secret word in this word search game. This game could be considered the most potent Wordle substitute. Sedecordle, on the other hand, challenges you to locate 16 unusual 5-letter words, but the player's duty on Wordle is merely to think of a word with 5 significant letters and is permitted to guess six times. Players discover that the 16 magical words are difficult, making the game one of the most difficult word puzzle games available right now.

When you enter each word and also hit Enter, the letters that are in the appropriate location and also in the solution are displayed in green; the letters that are in the solution but in the erroneous location are shown in yellow; the incorrect letters are shown in gray. As a result, you won't be able to use the available letters as the game goes on.

You might assume that since there are so many of them, finding 16 of them would be simple. However, things quickly get challenging when you have a constrained amount of time and room to write them down.

Find the words is as easy to play as it sounds. But with only 60 seconds available, this endeavor is incredibly challenging. One of the 16 words you need to find is "Sedecordle," for instance.

The English language contains many 5-letter words, but only a small number of them are appropriate for this game. It can be exceedingly difficult for some people to find each word because it involves unconventional thinking.

This program is for you if you enjoy word games, riddles, or simply testing your knowledge. It's ideal for anyone who enjoys a good challenge, taking the time to ponder, and discovering new things.

How to play Sedecordle

In 21 tries, you must guess all sixteen wordles.

Each guess must be a 5-letter word that is correct.

To submit, use the enter key.

The color of the tiles will change after each guess to illustrate how close your guess was to the word.

The blue-letter is present in the word and at the proper location.

The yellow letter is present in the word, but in the incorrect location.

The back-letters are nowhere to be seen in the word.

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