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You are a painter and you need to match as many colors as possible in order to create a picture. You can draw from the stock drawing or use your own pictures. The object is to create an image with similar colors by matching five or more drawings on a grid. There are no time constraints and you can play for as long as you like. Arrange the drawings so that they form an image with the same colors. Try to improve your drawing skills using variouspicture elements such as lines, shading, reflections and more.

The art and design of playing games has evolved over the course of their thousands of years as a medium. From their earliest days, game developers have used art and design to convey a multitude of meanings. Today, we see an increase in the number of games that are designed with themes and artistic motifs in mind. The best way to understand the subtleties of these games is to play them yourself. 

You’ve just discovered the most amazing art form ever! You paint like no one else! You have the creativity of a rock star and you don’t even know it. But it’s not what you’re good at that counts, it’s how you use it. Paints are made for painting, and you’re going to start creating beautiful masterpieces by creating the very best paint drawings in the entire game. Have a nice time!

How to play Draw

Using Mouse

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